SRC invites entries for science competitions

Students of Knockalva Agricultural School use their ‘KESA Model’ innovation to explain their integrated response to climate change in agriculture at a science and technology fair held by the Scientific Reserach Council. (Photo: SRC)

The Scientific Research Council (SRC) is alerting students that it is now accepting entries for its science-based essay and oratory, performing arts and poster competitions scheduled to take place between November 2017 and February 2018.

The competitions, the council said, provide an opportunity for students to hone their intellectual and scientific skills, showcase their creativity and benefit from awards.

“The SRC, which seeks to encourage and foster the development of science, technology and innovation in our nation’s youth, is encouraging schools to get their students involved in these competitions for educational enhancement,” the council said.

The essay and oratory contest will take place during November 2017 as part of Science and Technology Month. It engages primary and secondary students in the promotion of science and technology by providing a medium for them to share their perspectives on Jamaica’s indigenous knowledge and waterways. The top six essay submissions from the primary and secondary categories will advance to the oratorical competition in which each entrant will make a presentation of no more than seven minutes. Presentations may be aided by videos, PowerPoint presentations or other multimedia support that the SRC deems appropriate.

The poster competition, which is also open to primary and secondary students, is scheduled for February 2018. The competition is geared at increasing students’ awareness of the applications of science and technology in developing, improving their research skills and providing a means for the creative expression of scientific and technological information.

The performing arts competition, meanwhile, also set for February 2018, is only open to secondary schools and will give students the opportunity to creatively demonstrate how Jamaicans can utilise indigenous knowledge to contribute to Jamaica’s economic development. Entries may be individual or group and can take the form of song, poetry or drama.

Interested schools can contact the SRC’s Science, Technology, Education Unit at 927-1771-4/977-2192/564-0738.


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