Agro Industry

Agro Industry

A number of new food products are developed from local raw materials for commercialization and subsequent divestment to private sector. These activities provide socio-economic benefits to Jamaica in areas such as income generation and employment creation. SRC provides training and consultancy services, enabling the development and establishment of micro-businesses.

Research results led to the development and commercialization of various technologies such as: Solar Salt Technology – Provide solar salt, used as raw material for the growth of chemical industries, producing caustic soda and plastic resins.

Technology for the crystallizing and syruping of ginger.

Sophisticated technology for making multi-purpose caramel.

Contributed to the Development of Local Industries via training of agro-processors and value-added products – Sorrel, Sweet Potato (beverage and pudding) variety of herbal teas and lemongrass – food and personal care items.

Development of
Solar Crop Dryer, designed to dry spices, nuts, fruits and vegetables to obtain higher earnings. SRC encouraged small farmers and exporters to use solar drying technology to preserve pineapple, papaya, mangoes, peanuts, peas, ginger, pepper and banana.  Impact: Extended shelf-life of tropical fruits and vegetables and diminished loss incurred during storage. Led to the development of value added foods
1984 Introduced New Variety of Sugar – Worked with SIRI towards introducing a new variety of sugar cane, called energy cane, that would yield a higher increase in sucrose content and greater volume of molasses and fibre

Establishment of a local Sorrel Industry – that now boasts a new variety of sorrel, known as the “Bashment Sorrel’. The industry now has over 15 products such as squash, jams, chutney, toppings, liqueur, sauces, teas and other juices on the market.

Developed suite of award winning sorrel products under the Hope Gardens Jamaica label and stimulated demand for agricultural produce. Initiated export of products to Canada, UK and USA under Hope Garden’s label and stimulated demand for local produce (sugar, ginger, mango, guava, pineapple and spices) in the making of value-added products.

Promoted commercial cultivation of Oyster mushroom and aided in establishing local mushroom industry.  Provide technical assistance and spawn to farmers facilitating the commercial production and sale of local mushroom; solved pests and disease problems affecting mushroom.

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