Essay, Oratory, Performing Arts & Poster Competition 2020/2021

Entry Rules for the Essay and Oratory Competition


The competition comprises of two phases; the essay component and the Oratory component.

The Essay

The essay serves as the first stage of the competition and is used to qualify entrants for the Oratory component. Each student is allowed a maximum of one essay entry following the guidelines below:

  1. Essays must be submitted electronically, on letter-sized paper.
  2. Essays must be typed in Times New Roman size 12 font and double spaced.
  3. Each essay must be accompanied by a completed Application Form.
  4. Word limits: 1,000 to 1500 words for secondary and no more than 350-500 words for primary (excluding cover page and bibliography)
  5. The essay must be accompanied by a bibliography that follows the APA guidelines.
  6. The uploaded Essay must bear an individualised code of the following format :
    • “First initialmiddle initial/slast initialbirth year”. For example, Jania Alexis Munroe born in 2003 would have the individualised code “J-A-M-2003”
  7. THE APPLICANT’S NAME SHOULD ONLY BE PRESENT ON THE APPLICATION FORM. Names should not be printed on the uploaded essay, ONLY the Individualised code.

N.B. Each school can submit a maximum of four (4) essays.

Entrants with the best essays will then be invited to participate in the Oratory Component.

The Oratory Component

Round 1: The top 10 shortlisted participants from the Essay component will submit an oratory video no less than 6 minutes and no more than 10 minutes.

Entries showing the student’s oratory piece should be submitted using one of the following formats: DVD/MP4/AVI/WMV/MOV

Round 2: The top 5 video contestants will participate in an online oratory delivery and the winners chosen.


A 5-7 minute talk is usually approximately 800-1000 words, depending on the speed and style of the orator.

Your speech should be prepared (typed) ahead of time (no ad lib) but you will not lose points for diverging slightly from the typed copy.

The speech does not need to be memorized, however, contestants who reach round 2 of the oratory component will be expected to have them memorized.

There is no dress code except that you should dress modestly and we encourage dressing in a professional manner.

The contest moderator will introduce you before you start your speech.


Entry Rules for the Performing Arts Competition

  1. The competition is open to primary and secondary students and may take the format of an individual or group entry. Groups should not exceed five (5) students.
  2. A group is allowed a maximum of two entries.
  3. No more than three entries per school.
  4. A text/script for the piece should be submitted along with the recording.
  5. Entries should be assigned an appropriate title and the performance should not exceed 15 minutes in duration.
  6. Entries showing the student/s performing the piece should be submitted using one of the following formats: DVD/MP4/AVI/WMV/MOV
  7. Following the submission of entries, the top six entries from the primary and secondary submissions will be shortlisted to participate in the Finals.


  1. Interpretation & Delivery of Theme – 40 Marks
  2. Creativity and Originality – 30 Marks
  3. Performance (characterization, projection) – 15 Marks
  4. Stage presentation (use of space, props, costume/dress) – 15 Marks

Entry Rules for the Poster Competition

  1. Each student is allowed a maximum of one poster entry.
  2. No more than five entries per school.
  3. Students should submit a description of their entry. This should not exceed 100 words.
  4. Each poster must be accompanied by a completed registration sheet.
  5. Poster Size – 14″×18″


  1. Portrayal of the theme (10 points) – The poster should clearly present the theme.
  2. Originality (5 points) – Poster is creative and expressive.
  3. Visual Impact (5 points) – Poster gives a clear message at a glance.
  4. Use of Colour (5 points) – Colours are used appropriately.
  5. Lettering (5 points) – Letters clearly written and words spelt properly.



Essay & Oratory Competition Application Form:

Performing Arts/Poster Competition Application Form:

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