The Theme “Science and Technology: The heartbeat of national development” is most appropriate for Jamaica at this point in our history. One thing this COVID-19 pandemic has taught Jamaicans is the significance of scientific knowledge in maintaining our socio-economic wellbeing.
The National Commission on Science and Technology (NCST) being the umbrella organization
for fostering and advancing the National Policy and Strategy for Science and Technology in Jamaica applauds the Scientific Research Council (SRC) for once again highlighting the broad spectrum of the application of Science and Technology that is happening right here in Jamaica.
Vision 2030 Jamaica aims to “Make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”. Concurrently, Jamaica’s vision for Science and Technology aims to “Create an environment through policy development and legislative framework that facilitates investment, creates jobs and meaningfully improves the well-being of all Jamaicans”
The Scientific Research Council with its dedicated leadership and highly skilled technical staff has demonstrated the requisite qualities of an organization equipped and poised to propel Jamaica into being the science and technology leader in the region.
The National Commission on Science and Technology (NCST) is committed to be a synergistic partner in this venture.
Again, I congratulate the SRC on a most timely and forward-thinking theme. I hope that this avalanche of publicity of the work being done and the opportunities for the applications of science and technology available in Jamaica brings new interest and enthusiasm (particularly to our youth-the future of Jamaica) in the “magical” world of Science, Technology and Innovation.